About 2 years ago my daughter was the flower girl in a wedding, she was 3 years old. My mom made the dresses for both flower girls, and they were the cutest things, ever!! I was standing with the girls just before they made their grand enterance into the church and down the isle. They were giggling, chatting and both leaned on the windowsill peeking out at all the guests as they arrived. Heads together, toes dangling above the stairs, it was the perfect moment! So i quickly pulled out my camera. And I have been wanted to do soemthing with it ever since! So finally this week I turned these sweet flower girls into a charcoal drawing.

Aren’t they the cutest!? Let me know what you think! Do you have a special picture you would like drawn in charcoal? I’d love to draw one for you! And don’t forget to check out my etsy shop Puprlejoyart or look me up on facebook;)