Crumbs on My Kitchen Floor

My Kitchen floor is always covered in crumbs. I swear I sweep them up, turn around and bam! instantly they are back! And the couch is same.  I can never just sit down, I have to dustbuster a clean spot first!

There are also socks-mismatched socks everywhere! In the couch cushions scattered all over the livingroom  and kitched floor, stuck in shoes- everywhere.  I go to make the kids beds and 15 socks fall out of the sheets!

Also, waiting there hiding on the Persian rug for your unsuspecting feet to walk by are random, tiny, invisible toys. The missing lego piece, the barbie shoe, the missing board game piece, all lurking secretly!

Everytime I turn around there is another mess to to clean up like a tornato tore through the house upending everything in its wake.

But with every mess, there is another smile, another laugh, another hug, another “hi Mommy” another “mom look!”.  So I’ll take all the socks under the couch, every blasted foot biting toy  if that means I get little feet pitter pattering, dancing and jumping (sometimes breaking things) and leaving crumbs in their trail. 

This week, I was cleaning my studio- (which I do from time to time, like once a….year or two;) And I guess I needed a break from all crumbs and decided to paint something purple.  Purple is my happy color, hence the name of my shop!  So, I started slapping some purple on top of ma painting I didn’t love that much.  I don’t usually paint abstract expressionist stuff but at times it is nice to just let the paint flow with no agenda, not thinking about what it will be or what it’s suppose to be.  I think sometimes we get so attached to making meaning of something and having it bottled for us neatly.  When I showed my husband he immediately said “What is it?” And I said “I dunno what do you thinks?”  Does art always have to be something? Or can it just be. Just be art and something interesting to look at.

Inversely, a friend saw this painting and said that it speaks to her.  Can art speak? Can it have a voice of it’s own? What does this piece say to you?  Maybe it just says purple, or maybe something more, you decide! For me, I guess it told me to take a break from all the crumbs on the floor and paint! 🙂