Expectant Waiting and Preparation

The Season of Advent the time of expectant waiting and preparation. I don’t know about you but we do alot of preparing in my house. We cut down a Christmas tree, move furniture, test all the lights, buy more lights and replacement bulbs. We pull out all the boxes of ornaments and snow globes, we dress up the outside of the house with lights and garland and wreaths. The excitement and anticipation builds as we prepare. But what are we preparing for? And what are we expectantly waiting for? The word advent is a version of the Latin word for “coming”. So what really is coming? Santa? Presents? Family time? Cookies and Feasts? Sure. That’s all part of the celebrating right?

I truly love all of these preparations. I love sending Christmas cards and baking cookies and listening to Christmas music. But one of my most favorite is our advent dinners. In my house we light and advent wreath and do a Christmastime devotional at the beginning of our meal . My kids love lighting all the candles and turning down the lights. And each week as we add another candle we reflect on the reason for all our preparations and waitings. All this prepare us to receive the peace, joy, hope and love that this season brings with it.

These are some paintings I have done to reflect the spirit of the advent season