This post is copied from my other blog that I started years ago when I began teaching art classes at the community center. I thought I would also share it here. If you’d like to check out that blog its:
Hey Guys,
It seems like it has been just about a million years since I updated this blog….I guess I just got busy being a mom, painting and teaching that I stopped posting eventually. But for some reason I thought today would be a good day to start again.
I have been teaching art classes at my local community center since my kids were babies. It was a great way to keep teaching and still stay home with my kids. I do camps for preschoolers and school agers in the summer and classes during the school year for toddlers and preschoolers. And occasionally I’ve done extra painting classes for school age kids. Both of my kiddos are in elementary school now and I am finding myself with more time to paint and invest in my own artwork. I spend most of last year working on a website and etsy shop. I also starting selling my work in local shops. You can check out my work at
It was great to have time more to explore my own artistic expression, I painted more paintings than I will ever know what to do with!! Hopefully sell:) But I found myself missing the classroom and so I decided to start substitute teaching this year. And it has been great, I have been rotating around subbing for many of the elementary art teachers, even at my own kids school, a couple times a week. And it still leaves me some days to be home to do the laundry and my own art.
And being in the classroom again is reminding me why I went to school to be an art teacher in the first place. There was a time before I had my kids that all I wanted was a teaching job, all I thought about and meant everything to me. Then I became a mom, and over the last 10 years I have poured my heart and soul into motherhood and would not have traded the time at home with my babies for anything. I feel so tremendously blessed to have been able to stay home with them. It was hard as any mother knows (going to the bathroom by myself was a treat lol). But, then last year my baby girl started kindergarten, and all I could think about was having another baby. I would cry, feeling so lost and at times felt like I was grieving the time that went by too fast and for a child I would never have, and then I’d think I was crazy because I have two beautiful babies. But I couldn’t figure out what I was suppose to be doing with my days.There wasn’t the same sense of purpose and satisfaction I had before. No story time at the library, no mom’s club or play dates. I lost all the mommy connections I had during the day. So I painted alot, and volunteered at a nursing home. But this year I feel like all the saddness is gone and I am happy to be where we are now. My kids go to school and I get to “work” again, without having to write all the lesson plans and attend all the meetings!!
And yesterday I found a copy of a teaching philosphy that I had written in grad school that I would like to share a piece of:
Art Education is imperitive to the holistic development of a child. The growth of one’s creative thinking abilities is influenced by visual expression. Art education meets student needs for problem solving, analysis and evaluation skills, while fostering discovery, aesthetic appreciation, communication, and appreciation of self and others. Art education should offer experiences that meet developmental levels and learning styles. It should also combine student-centered, studio, art history, and community culture based learning. It is important that art education includes diversity in instruction method to meed various learning styles and engages student interest. An art educator should be enthusiastic, knowledgable, skilled and passionate about their subject matter. They should also stay up to date on current developments in art and education through continuing professional development and teaching to state and national standards.
Art draws connections to children’s lives and the cultures of the world, granting deeper understanding of a global society. Cognitive thinking is strengthened when connected with interdisciplinary studies to broaden the spectrum of understanding. Art education provides opportunites to comprehend a concept, an object, an image or an event in a deeper way. Making art allows the mind to organize re-organize, construct, search and regenerate ideas. The goal of an art educator should be to see children thrive and develop into healthy adults in body, mind and spirit. And art education plays a key role in this holistic learning. I believe art is a language and art class provides students with the skills and tools to speak in that language, A language which is a powerful learning and expressive medium for students.
Ok, so this blog is where I share projects that I do with my community center students, whom are mostly 2-4 year olds. Much of my philosophy is maybe beyond them. But I just found it and wanted to share some of my thoughts on art education. And my hope is by sharing I can inspire you to do some fun creative things with your kids, either in school, preschool or at home!
For preschoolers, art is still a powerful way to engage the development of young children. But just on a much more simplified, basics way. I focus on very process based projects, lots of sensory experiences, cutting skills, and looking at artwork.

Last week we did some leaf printing. I gave the kids a big piece of paper a bunch of leaves I collected, a couple different paintbrushes and little plastic cups (from k cups :D) and they printed and painted their hearts out! We even ended up painting with forks too:) I had intended to read the book Leaf Man but forgot it at home! Woops! Next time.
Well, thats all for now I guess, and I will work on continuing to updated and add more of the fun thing my kiddos are creating:) Until next time.