Palette Knife Landscape

Today I decided to do a whole painting with my palette knife. I wasn’t planning that initially but all my paint brushes were dirty and I didn’t want to clean them out (haha). So to the palette knife I went. It actually turned out to be the perfect technique for the job becuse I had chosen a photo to work from of the Chimney Bluffs. If you are not familiar, the Chimney Bluffs is a state park in Walcott NY. It is 597- acres on the shore of Lake Ontario east of Socue Bay. The park has hiking trails where you can see the large clay formations at the water’s edge. These amazing clay fromations are where the park gets it’s name. And since these formations are full of rocky, sandy, rough tecture the palette knife would easily achieve lots of texture. Texture also happens to be one of my favorite painting methods.

I’ve been wanting to paint this breathtaking place ever since my family and I went hiking there in the fall. Here are a few photos of the finished painting! Let me know what youthink of it! And have you been to the Chimney Bluffs? If not you should definately check it out!!


This past Saturday I celebrated my 27th birthday for the 9th time. And every year I tell everyone that all I want for my birthday is for it to not snow. Being that my birthday is at the end of April, living in western New York, it sometimes snows. So I woke up Saturday morning to find white, wet, cold flurries in the sky and landing all ove my deck furniture.

So in the midst of a sometimes snowy spring I have been working on some beautiful spring without snow paintings! Paintings full of bright beautiful flowers. I love painting flowers and have been having so much fun with these.

All three of these beauties are oil paintings and are different sizes. They are also all for sale. If you are interested in giving any of them a good home please let me know. Your walls will thank you for bringing the some of natures fabulous color to your home.

Have a wonderful day!


Portrait of a girl

I’m standing in the kitchen up to my elbows in soapy water, washing the bowl we used to mix up my daughters green birthday cheesecake. Her request since her birthday is on St. Patricks day and she loves cheesecake. Jack Johnson music is playing away in the background. I pause to take a sip of my now cold coffee and glance over at my kids playing quietly with cars in the livingroom. I watch them for a moment relieved that they are not fighting! Ellie is wearing her birthday crown, with a big 6 on the front, that she got at school on Friday when they celebrated her birthday.

As I watch them, my mind drifts to this day six years ago…

I was standing in this very kitchen but I looked like I had swallowed a watermelon. My baby girl was 3 days overdue and I was desperate to know when she would finally arrive. I remember that earlier in the afternoon I had gulped down a tablespoon of tabasco is attempt to speed things along with some spice. (not recommended-YUCK!).

I was watching my husband cook dinner. Spicy buffalo chicken quesadillas- another spicy attempt to hurry this baby along. The smell of buffalo wing sauce filled the room and I could not wait to eat! But then I felt something go….

and I never got to eat those buffalo chicken quesadillas!

But the next day I did get to meet my beautiful baby girl. Every year on my kids birthdays I always find myself reflecting back to when they were born a distant far away time for them but to me seems like yesterday. I am always amazed by how quickly they grow.

So in honor of her 6th birthday, which we celebrated in style yesterday with the green cheesecake, I am sharing the oil painting I did of her recently. I love painting my kids. This one is done from a photo I took of her when we were on vacation a couple summers ago. She came out of our cabin the the morning and sat down on the steps in her white pillowcase nightgown. I love this photo and the memories that is carries with it.

For this painting I started with a black background and drew in a white outline. And although I love painting my kids, portraits are hard! I worked over her face many times in attempt to capture the essence of that moment in the photo. Of course I am always critiquing my work but I am pretty happy with the way it came out.

What do you think?

Happy 2019!

So, we made it through the Holidays and my kids are trying to adjust back to wearing pants instead of pjs all day and having to think again!

I absolutely love Christmas but I always look forward to getting back to our routine again. The holidays always feel like a flurry of exhausting, exciting, crazy joyful activity. There are feasts, and drinks, LOTS of cheese, presents, glowing lights, snowmen and carols, friends and family, smiles, and excited anticipation bubbling and bursting. There are secrets and surpirses (that sometimes bring big squeals or tears- or both!) thoughtful gestures and kind words. There are cookies, so many cookies. Peppermint everything- pine. needles. everywhere. There are memories and traditions new and old, love and joy. Then at the end, hopefully there is a very satisfied happy nap, with a Christmas movie playing in the background and maybe a glass of wine.

This Christmas was wonderful, I got my one and only Christmas wish because no one barfed! For the past 4 years in a row someone in my family has barfed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or somewhere around Christmas. If you are a parent you know that getting through the holidays without barf is a huge win!! The only mishap was my husband trying to slice off the end of his finger with a pocket knife opening our daughters precious new horse. Fortunately it didn’t bleed for too long and he was determined not to get stitches. Next year I am adding no barf and no injuries to Christmas wish list! Anyway it was a great time, but I’m really glad the kids are back at school and I am back to painting.

I started off with a painting from a photo I took at the Christmas tree farm.
Every year my family ventures out the weekend after Thanksgiving to cut down a Christmas tree. This year we went to a new place called Woody Acres where they have beautiful evergreen trees of every kind imaginable. It was a 20 degree day and the fields were gently dusted with snow, so I pull out my phone and took off my mittens for a brief freezing minute to snap a photo. I knew I would want to paint this beautiful farm. I am always inspired by nature. Just taking a moment to pause and appriciate the wonder and beauty of it brings me joy. And as I was painting this the song True Colors started playing in my head. You know that one? It was recently sung my Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick for the movie Trolls. (I know I’ve seen every kids movies.) No idea why it popped into my head. But then I got thinking that it does apply to painting. I mean it’s about color right?

“I see your true colors, I see your true colors shining through, And thats why I love you. So don’t be afraid…..”

But then I realized your true colors are more than just colors they are about who you are, right? So when I paint I am being who I am doing what I love and being truely ME. And sharing that is sometimes scary, because I have to show my true colors to others and hopefully they will like it but maybe they won’t. But it’s sort of scary to put yourself out there. But as the song says, don’t be afraid! So my New Year Challenge for 2019 for you is to show your true colors. Find out what your true colors are and live into that and don’t be afraid! Cheers and here’s to a new year of bright vibrant colors! 😊

Furry Office Assistant

This morning I’m sitting on the couch drinking coffee, listening to soft piano Christmas music looking at the lights on the tree, and editing my Etsy listings.  The kids are at school and I’m feeling like its going to be a good day and I’m going to get tons done. I mean, I already managed to put the correct sandwiches on their lunch boxes and convince them to wear their warm coats and clean socks!  Big accomplishment.  

So here I am editing and along she comes. It’s my fault really, she was peacefully sleeping on the floor when I starting humming along with the music.  She looks up at me with a soft mew and I knew what was coming next. Yup thats right folks, cat butt on my computer.  So if you go into my Etsy shop and see an 8×10 print for $187450.0#@xxxxxxb% its probably because my cat sat on my keyboard.  Sorry! So much for getting tons done today.  She proceeds to block my hands and eyes from doing anything prodeuctive on the computer and insists I paint more cats.  But she does tell me that she likes the birds.  She’s ok with me doing more of those.  She said she’d even go out in the back yard and collect a few for me to work from.  Oh, great thanks. Thanks alot.  

Well, folks meet Daisy my very, very helpful and furry office assistant 😀

I was saved this time though by the UPS man, who rang the doorbell and scared Daisy out of her fur and she ran off…probably to go find me some…But of course I know she will be back…to “help” some more Happy Monday Everyone!   

If you haven’t seen it yet check out my Etsy Shop   And look out for the weirdly priced items!! 😀

Be the Gift

Hey Gang! The holidays are coming, and I have great news for you! Now thought Cyber Monday I am offering FREE SHIPPING on EVERYTHING in my Etsy Shop!! Yup, thats right FREE!  So don’t wait, get your holiday orders in NOW! I have many new items in the shop including some cute snowmen pillows and mugs all with prints of my original paintings!  I’m so excited to share these with you! So check it out!
Here’s a sneak peak of one of the prints available now!! I love this quote. I will be ordering this on one of my mugs so I can remember it all through the Christmas Season.  Christmas can get so hectic- but this reminds me to slow down and savor the important things, like why we are celebrating, and spending time with family and giving back to others. So as you look through my shop know that I created each one with sincerity and I hope that each will be a special, meaningful gift to everyone you gift them to. And remember through it all to Be the Gift to all this Holiday Season!

Guarding Luke? by Kelly Lewis


Guarding Luke? by Kelly Lewis

Do Angels exist? Guarding Luke? will take you on a journey as one very unlikely Angel attempts to complete a most difficult assignment. With rich characters, a hefty dose of humor and a simple message about God and faith, this story offers readers a chance to contemplate their personal beliefs about the presence of angels in our midst.

This is a book written by my very talented mother based on some real events from my brother’s life, including a very dangerous snowboarding accident. Most characters are based on my family. When I read the book I couldn’t help but have tears in my eyes thinking about all that my brother went through and so much of it I never even knew.  It is truely an inspirational story, one that had been on my mom’s heart and mind for a long time.

Please check it out, it’s a wonderful story and would make a great gift.  Available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon and

Stay tuned, I will be making a future post about her other book Just One Soldier, perfect as Veterans Day approaches!
I made the cover for the book!

Purple Joy Art at Finger Lakes Artisans!!

I have been busy stocking my art in a beautiful local shop!  It’s called Finger Lakes Artisans in the Waterloo Premium Outlets.  It’s a wonderful shop with some amazing handmade items.  I think I could do most of my Christmas shopping there! So if you are in the area check it out!  I have note cards, prints, paintings and leather earrings for sale.

Crumbs on My Kitchen Floor

My Kitchen floor is always covered in crumbs. I swear I sweep them up, turn around and bam! instantly they are back! And the couch is same.  I can never just sit down, I have to dustbuster a clean spot first!

There are also socks-mismatched socks everywhere! In the couch cushions scattered all over the livingroom  and kitched floor, stuck in shoes- everywhere.  I go to make the kids beds and 15 socks fall out of the sheets!

Also, waiting there hiding on the Persian rug for your unsuspecting feet to walk by are random, tiny, invisible toys. The missing lego piece, the barbie shoe, the missing board game piece, all lurking secretly!

Everytime I turn around there is another mess to to clean up like a tornato tore through the house upending everything in its wake.

But with every mess, there is another smile, another laugh, another hug, another “hi Mommy” another “mom look!”.  So I’ll take all the socks under the couch, every blasted foot biting toy  if that means I get little feet pitter pattering, dancing and jumping (sometimes breaking things) and leaving crumbs in their trail. 

This week, I was cleaning my studio- (which I do from time to time, like once a….year or two;) And I guess I needed a break from all crumbs and decided to paint something purple.  Purple is my happy color, hence the name of my shop!  So, I started slapping some purple on top of ma painting I didn’t love that much.  I don’t usually paint abstract expressionist stuff but at times it is nice to just let the paint flow with no agenda, not thinking about what it will be or what it’s suppose to be.  I think sometimes we get so attached to making meaning of something and having it bottled for us neatly.  When I showed my husband he immediately said “What is it?” And I said “I dunno what do you thinks?”  Does art always have to be something? Or can it just be. Just be art and something interesting to look at.

Inversely, a friend saw this painting and said that it speaks to her.  Can art speak? Can it have a voice of it’s own? What does this piece say to you?  Maybe it just says purple, or maybe something more, you decide! For me, I guess it told me to take a break from all the crumbs on the floor and paint! 🙂 

Beautiful Life

She reaches over to me and grasps my hand and holds on tight. As we sat, hand in hand, Alan Jackson music videos playing on the tv, she gently closes her eyes and sighs.

This is now what I do on Tuesday mornings, at the local nursing home.  I sit with the residents, visit, chat, and wheel them around to their various activites. I call it wheel chair taxi service.  They had me sit with this particular lady during music hour because she kept trying to get out of her chair. she seemed so uncomfortable and agitated.  My heart broke for her and wished there was something more I could do. I started rubbing her back and then she reached for my hand. It seemed so simple, but it seemed to comfort her.  I went home and washed my dishes and carried on with the rest of my day, all the while thinking about her sitting there alone.  

Later I’m hauling people back to thier rooms, realizing that there are ALOT of Marys! It’s kind of hard to keep them all straight and I am so afraid that I’ll drop one off at the wrong room! Then the other day I was loading ladies onto the elevator to take them upstairs and the worst thing happened. I wheeled one on and then turned around to grab the other one and the doors had closed! In a moment of panic I imagined her ridding up there all alone and arriving with no one to retrieve her!  They’d fire me for sure. Oh wait I’m just a volunteer….getting fired from being a volunteer would be worse! So I quickly pressed the button and the door opened and to my relief, there she was. Phew, maybe they won’t fire me after all!

I know this isn’t about art but, it sort of is. Art is alot of times inspired by life. Life is art in it’s own way. And I draw alot of what I create from observing, noticing and processing the beauty of life.  My soul feels strengthed by all these wonderful people that I have the privilage of meeting at the  nursing home and it feels good to be there for them. It is facinating the hear their stories and the memories from the lives they have lived. 

I was taking a lady back to her room and I saw two beautiful canvas paintings of landscapes resting on her couch. So I asked her who painted those and with pride she pronounced “I did!” So of course I told her that I paint too and we had a lovely conversation about art.  And I told her I’d show her some of my paintings sometime.

“We won’t be able to really bear living unless we really bear each other’s burdens.” Ann Voskamp